Rain seeking payers held in Jowhar

Hundreds of Muslims today morning held special prayers for rains in Jowhar as the drought in the country gets worse.
The Imams of the town led the faithful in prayers for rains at one mosques in the town.
The prolonged drought in the region has prompted locals to seek divine intervention to bring rain.
After the prayer known as Istisqaa, Sheikh Mohamed Ali said: “We have not only prayed for Jowhar town but the whole country. We have prayed to God to bless us with good rains which will enable our farmers to get better yields.”
Ali said that with the Islamic religion having issued guidelines on what to do in such situations, they decided to organize the prayers and ask for forgiveness from God.
“We have not only prayed for rain but also for our country by asking God to enable us get good leaders who can love their people and prevent as from religious animosity,” he said.
The prayer is among the practices of Prophet Mohammad who used to lead Muslims in prayers to ask for forgiveness from God and cleanse themselves from evil deeds.