8 Killed, 6 Injured in Truck-Bus Head-on-Collision in Western Tanzania

KIGOMA, Xinhua: At least eight people were killed, evening and six others were injured after a mini-bus collided with a truck in the Kigoma region in western Tanzania, police said on Sunday.
Philemon Maungu, the Kigoma regional commissioner, told a news conference in the Kigona-Ujiji municipality that the collision occurred at 5 p.m. local time Saturday at Mumkugwa village in Kibondo district after the driver of the mini-bus who was driving at high speed failed to control the bus at a sharp corner along the Kibondo-Kakonko highway.
The Kigoma regional commissioner, Thobias Andengenye, sent a condolence message to the victims’ families and wished the injured quick recovery. He also urged motorists to be cautious, especially during the festive season, to avoid road accidents that claimed the lives of innocent people and loss of property.