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Marerey district intellectuals express concern over increased number of roadblocks

Storyline:National News

The elders and the intellectuals in Marerey district of Lower Shabelle region express concern over increased number of roadblocks in the area.

One of the intellectuals in the area Hassan Farah told Goobjoog FM that increased number of illegal checkpoints set by armed men dressed in military uniform continue affect the movement of people and transport in the region.

Hassan stated that they forwarded their complains over the issue to the federal government several times but no actions to remove the roadblocks was so far taken.

He reiterated that the armed men collect large amount of money from the drivers during the day and sometimes torture the drivers and rob the passengers of their valuable properties.

“The huge amounts of money demanded from the drivers will in turn cause the normal fare and the prices on basic foods in the markets to raise” Farah said.

Federal government forces have conducted heavy operation to clean up illegal roadblocks set up by armed militias in the Lower Shabelle region due to constant complaints by the drivers and transport owners but the illegal checkpoints are on the increase.