A first in 35 years, Somalia releases report on rights of the child

For the first time in 35 years, Somalia has today announced the release of the first report on the state of child rights in Somalia in line with the Convention on Rights of the Child.
The report which is to be presented to the UN Secretary-General comes two years after Somalia signed up for the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child becoming the 196th nation to accede to the treaty.
“The release of this Initial State Party Report in line with CRC requirements demonstrates the commitment and determination as a Federal Government to fully participate in the promotion and protection of human rights both at home and on the world stage,” Human Rights Ministry said in a statement Monday.
According to the requirements of the CRC, new member countries must submit an Initial State Party report on measures they have taken to give effect to the rights recognised and on the progress made on the enjoyment of such rights.
Subsequently, member countries are required to submit progress reports every five years.
“After facing a 35 year backlog this is yet another milestone, and important step in re-integrating Somalia into the regional and international human rights system,” the statement read in part.
According to the Ministry, the report outlines detailed actions the government has taken towards the domestication of the convention and consists of data collected from consultations with state and non-state actors in Federal Member States and the Benadir region.