AbdiKasim: federal government’s plan of conducting 2016 elections is not priority

A time when the federal government of Somalia is planning to hold general election in the country that is set to take place in 2016 the number of politicians and intellectuals opposing are on the verge of increase.
The former president of transitional federal government of Somalia Abdikassim Salat Hassan has expressed worry that the federal government can conduct free and fair elections in 2016.
The former president stated that the current situation of the country will not allow the government to conduct general elections in the country.
He urged the federal of Somalia to promote reconciliation between the people and prioritize other important issues like security and revision of the provisional constitution that require more clarity before general election is conducted in the country.
Abdiqasim on the other hand said the establishment of federal regional states in Somalia was a wrong decision that will create violence between the different clans, he added that federalism is meant for people with different races, ideologies and different interests.
“ Somalis people share religion, language and have one interest” He said.
The country conducted last one person-one-vote democratic election in 1967.