Abdiqasim Salad: federal government has opportunities to tackle challenges ahead

Former president of transitional federal government of Somalia Abdiqasim Salad Hassan said the federal government of Somalia has faced many challenges the last two years president Hassan was in office.
Abdiqasim stated that the government has opportunities to tackle many challenges exist in the country.
Mr. Abdulqasim stated that Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mahmud inherited divided nation that is recovering decades of civil war and destruction.
He asked Somali community to unite and rebuild their country adding that everyone who tries to be Somalia president must prepare hard work and challenge.
Hassan Sheikh Mahamud who was elected two years ago by Somalia federal parliament has promised to focus on security and other important factors.
Mr. Salad recalls his tenure, when he was the president of transitional federal government that was establish in Arta Djabuti 2000 describing biggest challenges he faced was World lords who divided Mogadishu fiefdoms people and rejected his administration but his system succeeded to erect Somali flag at United Nations center in New York.
Finally he prayed Somalis to unite, and work with the federal government of Somalia to create an environment that allows every Somali citizen to feel freedom and stable situation.