Administration of Qasah-Dhere complains lack of security agencies

The administration of Qasah-Dhere is expressing concern over lack of security agencies in that area which can make the district to be vulnerable to Al-Shabab attacks.
Qasah-Dhere district commissioner, Adan Abdi Qooqane told Goobjoog News that some of the Somali National Army (SNA) soldiers who were in the area have gone operation to liberate the areas under Al-Shabab fighters.
“The security of the district is currently at good stage but it can get worse unless the government deploys security forces so I call both the regional and federal governments to respond earlier before the security goes out of hand” he said.
He added “the security of the district is maintained by Ethiopian troops operating under the name of African peace keeping mission in Somalia though they can withdraw from the area anytime”
The DC said that they recruited several Qasah-Dhere locals who would play very important in beefing up the security of the town and its surrounding areas but they are lacking expenditure and equipment to operate and employ these people.