African investment conference in London enters its second day

African investment conference in London attended by some African leaders and international companies from across the world has entered its second day.
The invited countries attending the African investment conference include Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda,Tanzania and Ghana among others.
Somalia is represented by the president of semi autonomous regional state of Puntland Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas.
President Gaas will give along speech at the conference on the importance of foreign investment to Somalia that is recovering from civil war, he is anticipated to encourage foreign investors to come take part in government’s efforts to broaden the sector and rebuild the country.
Last week addressing the media in Garowe airport, president Gaas urged both local and international investors to invest in Somalia particularly Puntland as he described it as a business hub.
On the other hand the federal government of Somalia plans to produce oil within six years, Petroleum Minister Daud Mohamed Omar said on Monday, as he announced plans to reassert control over the sector which was foundered since the outbreak of civil war in 1991.