Airstrikes destroys a minibus in Lower Shabelle

Aerial bombardments allegedly carried out by US drones have been aimed at a minibus destroying it completely in some locations near Afgoi town, 30km southwest of Mogadishu.
The attack which took place yesterday afternoon targeted the minibus heading towards Mogadishu, the capital.
Officials speaking for the Lower Shabelle region noted the ill-fated car was laden with explosives heading towards the capital.
Reports indicate that huge explosion sound rocked the air which caught the locals in the area unexpectedly.
No casualty figures can be ascertained due to the remoteness of the area which falls under the command of Alshabab fighters. Also no official confirmation from the US African Command Centre which is believed to have carried out the attack.
Last month, two attacks were executed in the Lower Shabelle region on vehicles allegedly fixed with explosives heading towards the city.