Al-Bayrak deposits $1.5m to Federal Government’s bank

Al-Bayrak port manager Mustafa Levent confirmed today that his company deposited 55 percent of the income $1.5m to the Somali Government bank.
Turkish port operator collected $2.7 Million service charges since taking over Mogadishu Seaport a month ago,
Al Bayrak Company will manage the port for the next 20 years and will give the government 55 percent of all the proceeds from the port.
Albayrak Construction Company has been in service since 1952, and has so far successfully constructed large scale project starting from real estate, Subway and trading centers in Turkey.
One of the giant projects in which Albayrak Construction played the major part of construction, is the Istanbul Subway completed in 2001. One of the most important projects of Turkish transportation sectors Istanbul Subway’s electro-mechanical works, interior architecture and implementations have been performed by Albayrak Construction. Quality of Albayrak has been confirmed with ISO 9001 standards in that giant project.
In 2010 Albayrak started to operate in the logistics sector and transport as Logistics Inc.