Al-Shabab dislodges government soldiers from towns

Reports from Lower Shabelle region indicate that Al-Shabab fighters recaptured two towns after engaging gun battle with the government forces who were controlling the areas.
Aw-Dhegle and Makaraan towns which lie 75 km west of Somali capital city, have fallen into the hands of heavily armed Al-Shabab fighters who launched attacks on the towns in the early morning of Friday.
The fighting which took hours has claimed many lives of both opposing sides and injured dozens including civilians.
Lower Shabelle Governor Abdulkadir Mohamed Noor told VOA Somali service that soldiers were killed in the attack.
He added that the government is mobilizing troops to retake the towns.
Reports say that African keeping Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) pulled its troops out of those towns which led the security to hand over to Somali soldiers.