Ali Tarabi: The essential services of Istarlin hospital has been low since the withdrawal of MSF

The administration of Istarlin hospital in Guriel district of Galgadud region stated that the hospital is not capable of providing essential services to the people in region since MSF has withdrawn from Somalia a time when many patients are in need of care and medical checkup.
The director of Istarlin hospital Ali Omar Tarabi says the hospital is not in a position to offer medical services to the people due to shortage of drugs adding that they haven’t got any help from the government and aid agencies since MSF that was managing the hospital pulled out last year.
The director stressed that the services of the hospital use to reach vast areas in the region when MSF use to manage the hospital but now its services to the people are low.
Earlier this month the director of the hospital speaking to Goobjoog FM said the hospital is on the verge of closure if immediate help is not given.
Istarlin hospital in Guri Eel, Galgaduud region use to get medical assistance, financial and technical support from MSF, the support stopped after MSF withdrew from Somalia before one year.