AMISOM introduces ‘Radio-In-A-box’ to enhance communication with local populations

Public Information Officers from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), have undergone an intensive course in the use of Radio-In-A-Box (RIAB), aimed at boosting communication between AMISOM and the local populations.
Acting AMISOM military Chief of Staff Col. Daher Aden presided over the official launch of the training in Mogadishu, where he commended organizers and the Mission’s partners for introducing such a communication tool, in an environment flooded by negative narratives from Al Shaabab and other enemies of Somalia.
“Radio is the dominant information tool that reaches wide audiences in isolated regions. In Somalia, radio is a vital communication tool used to broadcast information with radio ownership possibly exceeding 80 percent. One advantage of this concept is its ability to broadcast vital information immediately to a large audience, in the event of a crisis. Radio programs transmitted using RIAB systems will be beneficial information to Somali populations in remote areas. The military can use the RIAB capability to communicate to villagers and elders and share thoughts with the community. This will improve the troops’ ability to interact better with the local populations,” explained Col Daher.
Mr. Gaffel Nkolokossa, a Senior Public Information Officer at the Mission Headquarters thanked AMISOM’s partners and the military Public Information Office for enhancing the messaging processes through the use of Radio-In-A-Box initiative.
“The Somali culture, being an oral culture, gives priority to use of communication tools that promote passage of information. Having the RIAB in our area of operation enhances our ability to have a conversation with the local populations, thereby ensuring a better understanding of matters. It will also enable us to counter narratives from the enemies of Somalia,” Mr Nkolokossa said.
AMISOM Force Spokesperson, Lt Col Njuguna, urged participants to implement what they had learnt, to ensure that the objectives of the Mission, are well understood by local communities.
“With you now is a tool that gives you the ability to be in the homes of the local communities, telling them your story, promoting peace and countering the enemy’s messages. It is incumbent on you now to apply your local experiences to ensure that Federal Government policies and the AMISOM narrative reach the Somali people, in order to change the dynamics of information sharing in this great country,” Lt Col Njuguna emphasized.
Public Information Officers from all the six sectors in Somalia, attended the course.