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AMISOM pledges probe into civilian deaths in Halgan locality

Storyline:National News

Officials of African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) troops headquartered in Baledwein have noted with serious concern allegations relating to civilian deaths, made against its troops in Halgan locality.

AMISOM commanding officer in Hiraan region, Abdirahman Abdi Dimbil said that they taking note of allegations against their troops in Baledwein and its outskirt and remain committed to addressing these charges.

“We heard what happen in Halgan locality, It was unfortunate, we were informed that the incident occurred after misunderstanding embarked between the troops and the travellers” he said.

“In response to the rash of allegations coming out of Baledwein and its environs and in line with laid down administrative procedures, the officer in charge of the troop detachment in Halgan wil be called for questioning as a prelude to a possible further investigation” he added.

This comes two days after Ethiopian soldiers under AMISOM opened fire on a civilian car prompting death of six people and injures of four others.

Halgan chief, Mustaf Horow Noor has confirmed to Goobjoog News saying the civilians were shot dead after they were ordered to stop their car.

Residents of Halgan say the majority of those killed are elders who were not involving any violence, pointing out that the Ethiopian soldiers didn’t face confrontation from the travellers.

There is no effective central government in Somalia since the collapse of the central government in 1991.

Ethiopians soldiers have been crossed the borders day and night since Somali central government toppled in 1990.

Ethiopia detained several Somali politicians whom it doubted to be against the Ethiopian agendas.

Ethiopia has contributed 4300 soldiers to the Africa Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in 2014.