AMISOM troops pull out from Halgan locality in Hiraan region

Somali government forces and Ethiopians troops under African peace-Keeping Mission (AMISOM) have withdrawn from Halgan locality, residents say.
By this morning, their former base was totally deserted and no reason was given for the hasty withdrawal.
Handful of local fighters reportedly remained in the areas to continue the anti Al-shabab operations amid many people fled from the areas for possible Al-Shabab attack.
Troops could be seen leaving the town in convoys and even evacuating their stationary heavy equipment.
Farah Ali, a resident in Halgan, has confirmed the withdrawal of AMISOM troops from Halgan.
“Somali national Army and AMISOM troops have vacated the town and now the tension is high as people started fleeing” he said.
He added that Al-Shabab fighters can invade the town anytime as there are no capable soldiers to resist them.
AMISOM has helped recover these villages with the help of Somali National Army and has since maintained presence there.