At least lawmakers present motion against the giveaway of Mogadishu seaport

The federal parliament of Somalia had its first meeting in Mogadishu on Monday since the fifth parliamentary session was officially opened. Today’s meeting was chaired by the second deputy of the federal parliament Mahad Abdalla Awad.
The meeting was attended 139 members, at least 20 lawmakers have presented a motion against the handover of Mogadishu sea port to Turkish company, al-Bayrak and termed the agreement as an acceptable.
Abdikadir Mohamed Adan aka Sandhere, one of the MPs who signed the motion said they prepared the motion after they keenly looked into the grievances of the seaport labourers and the business people.
The general auditor also sent a letter to the top leaders of the federal parliament, the president and office of the prime minister which mentioned that the government failed to follow the right way before handing over the seaport. a copy of his letter was read to the federal members by the deputy speaker.
The second deputy of the federal parliament Mr. Awad after reading the contents of the letter to the members confirmed that the prime minister of federal government Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed will be asked to come before the parliament and substantiate the reasons as to why the federal government has handed over the seaport without parliament’s approval.
The federal government of Somalia has on Sunday handed over the management of Mogadishu seaport to a Turkish company, al-Bayrak in a well executed ceremony inside the seaport.