At least one person wounded in Baidoa protest

Hundreds of protestors against the formation of three regional state took to the streets of Baidoa on Tuesday after the official visit of president Hassan to the town earlier today.
The protestors with placards and banners were shouting words in support of Madobe Nunow’s administration- six regional state.
The security forces in the town opened fire to disperse large number of protestors who gathered in some parts of the town, at least one person was wounded during the protest as our correspondent in Baidoa reports.
Madobe Nunow has earlier underlined that his administration will not change its stand of creating six regional state in the region.
On the other hand president Hassan is taking meeting with the speaker of the federal parliament and expected to open state formation conference later today.
While addressing the crowds at the airport president Hassan urged the residents to back the government’s effort to create three regional state and refrain from any act of violence.
In his trip to Baidoa, Somali president is accompanied by UK’s ambassador to Somalia Neil Wigan and IGAD envoy to Somalia Mohamed Affey, ministers and members of federal parliament.