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ATMIS Hands Over Orhasan Base to SNA Forces

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | BELEDWEYNE: The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) Monday handed over the Orhasan Forward Operating Base (FOB) to the Somali National Armed Forces (SNAF) in Beledweyne.

The handover of the base which has been under the ATMIS Djibouti National Defence Forces (DNDF) since 2012, is the fifth, as part of the Phase Three Drawdown of ATMIS Forces.

Speaking during the handover ceremony, ATMIS Military Chief of Plans, Col. Alex Cann who oversaw the function said the African Union force will continue working with the Somali National Armed Forces in stabilizing the country.

“I would like to pay tribute to the gallant soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the fight against Al Shabaab and urge you to continue working collaboratively to restore peace and security in Somalia,” said Col. Cann.

 ATMIS Sector Four Commander, Col. Waberi, commended the outgoing Djibouti troops for their outstanding efforts towards security and stability in the Hiraan region and urged the incoming SNAF to protect the local population.

“I urge the Somali National Armed Forces to maintain this base while protecting civilians and securing Beletweyne town and its environs,” he said.

The SNAF representative, Major Ahmed Muhidin who was also present during the function thanked the ATMIS troops for their dedication to bringing security to Somalia.

“We thank the Djibouti soldiers for their exemplary track record in supporting Somalia to achieve peace and stability. They paid the ultimate price for their Somali brothers,” he said.

The United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) at the handover event gifted the SNAF UN-owned equipment, including generators, refrigerators, and water storage tanks.