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AU Approves New Security Force to Replace ATMIS

Storyline:National News, Security

GOOBJOOG NEWS/ADDIS ABABA: The African Union has approved the deployment of a newly configured force to take over security operations in Somalia when the mandate of the current AU force lapses by end of this year.

The AU Peace and Security Council endorsed the formation of the African Union Support and Stabilisation Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM) following a meeting in Addis Ababa last week.

According to a communique from the Council, the AUSSOM will be tasked with ‘post-conflict reconstruction and development, as well as peacebuilding components.’

The number of the troops to AUSSOM was not immediately clear as it was not captured in the communique but it is likely to stand at about 11,000 basing on the number of troops which will remain in Somalia by the end of the year.

This is informed by the fact that Somalia’s request for delayed withdrawal of 3,000 by September was approved by the Council. So far, about 14,000 AU troops are still operating in Somalia.

In unprecedented move, the new AU outfit will comprise troops from Egypt following an approval of Cairo’s request by the Council.

The ATMIS was formed in April 2023 with a two year transition mandate. It took over from AMISOM which had been operating since 2007.