AU delegation reaches Baidoa

High ranked AU delegation led by the Deputy Head of AMISOM, Hon. Lydia Wanyoto Mutende has touched down Baidoa, the administrative capital South-west state.
The delegates took meeting with some of the South-west State officials and then proceeded to tour Baidoa general hospital.
In the hospital they took gathering with minster for heath Isaaq Ali Subag, the director of the hospital and the health workers.
After the assembly the minister and Hon. Lydia Wanyoto Mutende held joint press conference which they explained the issues discussed about.
The minister for health speaking at press conference urged the delegates to play lion’s share in the resumption of health centres which he described for not functioning a long time due to expense.
Lastly Hon. Lydia Wanyoto pledged that they will expand their support and take in the reconstruction health centres and other social amenities in South-west State.