AU envoy declares that Al-shabab lost 80% of the areas under its control

AU special representative to Somalia and head of AMISOM ambassador Maman Sidikou held press conference in Adis Ababa, Ethiopian capital.
Sheding light on the security situation of Somalia and the achievements of African Union peace-keeping troops, the ambassador said that Al-shabab lost the control of over 80% of the areas under its control through joint military operations by AU troops and government forces.
The ambassador stated that Al-shabab shifted their strength and capability to the rich agricultural areas of Lower Juba region controlled by the interim Juba administration.
Mr. Sodiokou has not specified the exact date when the military operations against Al-shabab will be launched but said there are on-going negotiations and consultations on the issue.
On 4th January this year giving details of Al-shabab’s attack on Halane base in Mogadishu on 25th December the ambassador said that they are ready to fight Al-shabab despite significant loses they inflicted on the troops.
“The incident has only strengthened our resolve to continue fight Al-shabab so that Somali people can enjoy peace and be free from terrorism” Ambassador Sidikou said.
“ We shall not be derailed nor our resolve is shaken” He added.
The ambassador has been in Adis Ababa the last few days to discuss with the regional leaders issues related to the operations against Al-Shabab that are expected to begin in few weeks time.