AU Special Representative condemns the attempted assassination of a Somali Journalist in Mogadishu
Storyline:National News

Mogadishu-October 12th, 2014; The Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Maman S. Sidikou has condemned today’s assassination attempt on journalist Abdirizak Jama Elmi.
Mr. Abdririzak Jama Elmi was shot thrice from the back while fleeing from unknown assassins.
“I’m abhorred by such cold-hearted attack on the life of journalist Abdirizak Jama’a Elmi. I strongly condemn such inhuman acts and wish him a quick recovery.” said Ambassador Sidikou.
Today’s attack is the third of such attacks on journalists in Somalia this year alone, a clear indication of the harsh environment that members of the media continue to operate in the country .