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Authorities in Baladwein Calls For Cease Fire In Defow Clan Clashes

Storyline:National News

The administration of Baladwein district in Hiraan region called the brotherly clans fighting in Deefoow locality to cease fire without any condition.
The district commissioner of Baladwein Mohamed Abdi Osman stated that the fighting caused claimed many lives and cause many challenges to the society living in Hiraan region region and that it is necessary to stop the skirmishes as soon as possible.
Mr, mohamed underlined that the fighting going on in Deeefow locality has reignited so many times as he termed being nationl disaster and he called the federal govenment of somalia to intervene the situation urgently.
This comes few days after when heavy fighting reignited between two clan militias in Deefow locality resulted death of ten people.

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