Banadir administration plans to renovate government centers

The administration of Banadir region is planning to regenerate the important government centers in Mogadishu.
The governor of Banadir region and mayor of Mogadishu Hassan Mohamed Hussein Muungaab supervising the reconstruction of the former local government center( Fisho Guverno) said his administration will give priority to the revival of all government centers that have been devastated by the civil war.
The mayor called the locals especially the business people to support Banadir administration to reconstruct government centers that have not been functioning over two decades so as to improve social services.
On Saturday the administration of Banadir has officially opened one of the important markets, Ansaloti market in Hamar Jajab district of Mogadishu.
After the collapse of central government led by Siyad Barre many government centers have been devastated by the civil war and have not received any repairing up to date that forced Somalia federal government to resort on overcrowded certain centers in the capital.