Banadir regional administration bans fake documents locally known as ‘Abdalla Shideeye’

The regional administration of Banadir on Tuesday announced a ban on the Bakaara market produced documents locally known as ‘Abdalla Shideeye’.
The Administration’s Vice Chairman for Security and political committee Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Diriye told local reporters at the Bakaara market where he led an operation against the fake document printers that anyone found issuing or using them will face the law.
“We are warning those involved in on what is known as the ‘Abdalla Shideeye’ documents by either producing them or using them and from today henceforth, in possession of any fake documents will be arraigned in court,” said Diriye.
Spokesman of the administration Abdifatah Omar Halane said law enforcement agencies have been put on notice to arrest those involved in this illegal business.
After the fall of the central government, locals turned to the Abadalla Shideeye segment of the Bakaara market for documentations such as birth certificates, passports, professional and academic certificates among others.
Despite printing all types of documents, the illegal printers were also able to post signatures of the different past leaders and officials to legitimize their illegal trade.