Barre Hirale: The door of negotiation is open

Col. Barre Hirale on reaching Mogadishu Saturday evening announced that he is ready to back and take part in government’s effort to hold Juba reconciliation conference in Kismayo.
He stressed that he closed the door of aggression and ready to end tensions in the region through dialogue and reconciliation, adding that his militia joined the Somali National Army.
He thanked the Federal government of Somalia and IGAD for backing reconciliation effors and implementing Addis Ababa agreement.
Col. Barre Hirale and the delegates had closed door meeting with top government leaders, including the prime minister of Federal government in the capital.
The former defense minister of transitional Federal government Col. Barre Hirale had on Saturday arrived in Mogadishu, after he accepted a peace deal brokered by the Federal government of Somalia and Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD).