Beyle asks FMS to submit proposals for W.Bank disbursements

Finance Minister Abdirahman Beyle has called on federal member states to submit their proposals for new World Bank disbursements but noted they should also account for the previous disbursements.
In a statement Wednesday, Beyle said the his ministry which has in the past weeks been engaging with the federal member states to review their documentation will start disbursing the funds to member states which meet the transparency and accountability requirements.
“Following the disbursement by the World Bank to the Federal Ministry of Finance of the second tranche of $5 million under the surge programme in September 2018, the latter asker the Federal Member States to submit proposals for the use of the funds, as well as reports on the previous disbursements under the programme,” the minister said.
Surge support is a programme under the World Bank’s Recurrent Cost and Reform Financing (RCRF) which gives additional funding into the budget in agreement with the finance ministry. The disbursements are bench-marked on indicators such as revenue mobilization, expenditure management and inter-governmental harmonization of fiscal situations.
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Meanwhile the Ministry of Finance added that it had transferred a total of $27 million in 2017 up from $9 million in the 2016. Federal state leaders have severally maintained they receive limited funding from the federal government.
Beyle wrote to federal member states September 5, 2018 demanding audits from from 1/1/2018 to 30/6/18 and the financial period 2017.