Breaking News: Elders and Politicians in Adado Town cast away decision of President Hassan to make Dhusa-Mareeb regional capital

Traditional elders and politicians in Adado town opposed the decision of President Hassan to make Dhusa-Mareeb the capital administrative of the upcoming Somali central State which its conference as to kick off on 11th april in Adado town.
Politicians and Elders who took meeting in Adado town have jointly discarded the decision of the president saying that the decision where the capital administrative will be, should come from people Somali central regions.
MP Abdi Moahamed Abtidon speaking at the gathering said that that it is the right of people of Somali central region to say what they want and the government should accept the wish of public.
“The residents in these regions should be the ones to determine their future and where capital administrative should be” he said.