British ambassador to Somalia meets traditional elders in Baidoa

British ambassador to Somalia Neil Wigani who arrived Baidoa is meeting the traditional elders of Bay and Bakol in the town.
Their meeting focuses on speeding up the establishment of South west Somalia administration of three regions and easing the political tensions in the region.
On the other hand the administration of South West Somalia of six regions announced that its ready to open dialogue with the government recognized administration of three regions so as to get a lasting solution for region.
Dr. Adan Osman Sujuu, minister for commerce and industries of Madobe Nunow’s administration said
He accused the Federal government of Somalia of fuelling the increasing tensions between the two parallel administrations in the region.
The minister asked the Federal government of Somalia to consider the will of the people.
The visit of Neil Wegan comes after anti PM protest in Baidoa claimed the lives of two people among the protesters when security opened fire on hundreds of people who had taken the streets.