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Bulldozers Demolish Homes on Ministry of Interior Land in Mogadishu

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: The demolition exercise on Ministry of Interior land at Bondhere district in Mogadishu started on Sunday, after a lapse of government notice.

Reports say police sealed off roads leading to the area as bulldozers started pulling down structures within the ministry’s compound.

The Federal Government of Somalia in a statement said the residents had been notified to vacate the premises adding that the land is needed for government use.

Mogadishu residents have however criticized the move, raising questions about transparency and fairness in the government’s handling of public lands.

Earlier, a government directive to relocate a cemetery in Mogadishu to construct a Somali Navy base has faced backlash after families were asked to exhume their relatives’ remains.

The Federal Government faces increasing pressure to address these concerns and ensure fair and transparent processes in its land management policies.