Cabinet Approves Sexual and Minimum Working Age Bills

The Somali Cabinet has unanimously approved the sexual offences and minimum working age bills during its regular meeting on Thursday.
The draft law on crimes of rape and immorality aims to protect the Somali community from sexual and gender-based violence, which has been prevalent in the country for decades.
The law defines and criminalizes various forms of sexual offences, provides support and protection for survivors, and establishes clear procedures and penalties for investigation and prosecution.
The Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mr. Hamsa Abdi Barre, who chaired the meeting, praised the bill as a milestone for the advancement of human rights and dignity in Somalia.
“This bill is a result of extensive consultations and collaboration among all stakeholders, including the government, civil society, religious leaders, and international partners. It reflects our commitment to end the culture of impunity and violence against our women and girls, and to ensure justice and accountability for the perpetrators,” he said.
The Cabinet also approved the international agreement on the minimum working age, which sets the legal age for employment at 15 years old. The agreement is based on the International labor Organization Convention No. 138, which Somalia ratified in 2019.
The agreement aims to protect children from exploitation and abuse in the labor market, and to promote their right to education and development.