China-trained doctors keep hope alive in Somalia hospital

The Pediatric Department at Banadir Hospital in Somalia has a strong affinity to millions of citizens in the Horn of Africa nation.
Currently, theunitismannedby 40 volunteernursesanddoctorswhoattendtothousandsofchildrenwithdiverseailmentslikepneumonia, choleraandmeasles.
“The training of medical workers in China has enhanced service delivery in this hospital. We thank the Chinese government for the scholarship granted to our staff,” said Bashir Hussein, the deputy head of the pediatric unit.
MohamedMuqtar, abeneficiaryofthescholarshipbasedatthehospital’semergencydepartment, saidhisstayinChinawasagamechanger.
“After my study in China for six years, I returned two years ago to my home country and was posted at Banadir hospital. Though I work on volunteer basis, I am happy to put my skills into good use to help my people,” said Muqtar.
UmaraqiyaAmed, themotherofayoungdaughterrecuperatingatthehospitalhailedprofessionalismanddedicationamongthehealthcareproviders.
“My daughter has been admitted in this hospital for the last seven days and has improved drastically. Even though the hospital does not have enough medicine, the doctors refer me to chemists in the city where quality drugs are sold,” said Umaraqiya.
However, HusseinnotedthaturgentassistanceisnowneededtorestoreanationaltreasurewhosecontributiontoinfanthealthcareinSomaliaisprofound, addingthatexternalsupporttoBanadirHospital’spediatricwinghasdeclinedlately.