Communiqué of Somali Political parties in Mogadishu, Somalia

Somali political parties of Wadajir, Daljir, Kulan and Horusocod Caucus have convened a two day meeting prior to the Brussels gathering on 16-17 July 2018 to assess and evaluate progress made by the Federal government on the comprehensive approach to security (CAS) including Security Sector Reform, National Security Architecture agreed in London by Somalia and its International Partners on April 2017, transition plan for AMISOM exit by 2020 and agreed in London on December 2017.
Additionally, the political parties deliberated on the political instability, the polarization of FMS by the FGS, the implementation of political programs such as the completion of the constitutional review process, the electoral model that will lead to one person one vote and a new political dispensation beyond 2020.
Furthermore, an assessment was made on the reconciliation efforts and holding discussions with Somaliland by the FGS. Similarly, the government’s fight against corruption was debated and human rights issues were reviewed during the two days conference;
1. We condemn in the strongest term the latest attack on government institutions and civilians by al-Shabaab which culminated the death of many innocent civilians in a span of one week. We deplore the closure of the city of Mogadishu and urge the government to reopen the major roads in the city of Mogadishu as they are detrimental to the lives of residents of the city of Mogadishu, excessive roadblocks and closures have not brought about peace and security but have negatively affected the trade and business of the city as well as its security and severely limited people’s movement, particularly women and the elderly.
2. We are gravely concerned on oppressing freedom of expression, closure of political space and denying political opponents to hold public gatherings in Mogadishu in violation of articles (18,19, 20) of the provisional constitution and the use of excessive and undue force against political opponents.
3. Expressing grave concern regarding the widening conflict between the Federal Government and the Federal Member States which emanates from the Federal Governments’ centralist views on jurisdictional power between the centre and periphery contrary to the provisional constitution
4. Expressing our grave concern of the Federal Governments flagrant violation of intervening the domestic affairs of Jubbaland, of a particular concern is its appointment of sector commander to sector 43 without consulting with Jubaland State in violation of article 20 of the National Security Architecture
5. Expressing of deep concern on the domino effect the dispute between GCC is having on security and political instability on Somalia, particularly reports where the FGS is getting Millions of dollars that undermine the stability, rule of law and democratic institutions as such activities perpetuate violent conflicts throughout Somalia
6. Express our deep concern at the utter failure of the Federal Government of Somalia leadership to condemn and bring to an end to the hostilities between Somaliland and Puntland.
7. We deplore on the aid and development sanctions imposed on Somaliland by the Federal Government and urge the FGS to restore the special status arrangement for Somaliland in a spirit of compromise and brotherhood
8. Cognizant of the importance of judiciary reform, we are deeply concerned of the illegal sacking of the chief justice of the high court, chief justice of appeal court and chief justice of the Banadir regional court in violation of the provisional constitution and urge the federal government to reconstitute immediately the judicial service commission and the constitution court as stipulated by the provisional constitution.
9. We strongly condemn the Federal government for opposing the planned Banaadir National conference on the formation of Banadir government on January 28, 2018. We urge the FGS to immediately provide a roadmap for the establishment of Baanadir regional council/parliament and immediately reconvene the conference
10. We urge the Federal Member States to hold the election on time and avoid delaying the regional parliamentary elections and presidential elections for the purpose of getting a winning leverage over their opponents.
11. We urge the leadership of the Federal Government of Somalia to commit to holding a multi-party universal election in 2020 in a timely manner. We warn the FGS of any attempt to postpone the one person one vote beyond 2020 and urge the FGS not to hinder, and intervene the work of the National Independent Electoral Commission by establishing a parallel process to duplicate the work of the Electoral Commission.
12. We call on all partners in the spirit of mutual accountability to ensure that the necessary resources for the electoral process, including those related to voter registration scheduled in 2019 by the National Independent Electoral Commission (NIEC) and political party support are mobilised in a timely manner commensurate with the agreement of key political benchmarks that are necessary to ensure an inclusive and credible process.
13. We welcome the Somali National Constitutional Convention held in Mogadishu on 13-15 may 2018, which set the tone and pace for the constitutionally mandated institution to refocus and prioritize both the substantive interventions and also the timelines necessary for the completion of the CRP by December 2018
14. Cognizant of the importance of stabilising the political space, in fighting corruption, promoting transparency, and building an enabling environment for accountable, transparent and effective institutions and processes at all levels. We encourage the legislative and executive branches to accelerate the efforts in taking visible and consistent measures to protect the integrity and accountability of the management of public finances as well as to advance the legal and institutional framework to stamp out corruption, including through the timely adoption of the Law on the Anti-Corruption Commission and call on international community to support their efforts. We also urge the Federal Government of Somalia to declare any cash payment budgetary support by friendly countries
15. We express deep concerns about the escalation of tension in Tukaraq in the Sool region. We call on both the Somaliland and Puntland administration to immediately cease hostilities, engage in political dialogue and allow unconditional humanitarian access.
16. We urge the FGS and the Somaliland administration to resume dialogue as early as possible to seek a peaceful resolution to their differences. We call on Somalia’s leaders at federal and state levels to demonstrate a spirit of compromise, unity and brotherhood.
17. We are gravely concerned of the Mogadishu stabilization forces known as (Xasilinta) as such force requires legislative action for its establishment and its existence clearly contradicts with article 126 of the provisional constitution. We equally, deplore the purported Peoples Defense Force (PDF) its existence is entirely unconstitutional and is merely established to intimidate and oppress freedom of expression and association
18. Cognizant of the strategic direction for transition as set out in the Transition Plan, which defines transitions as the emergence of effective Somali security Institution, including in areas where AMISOM has not had a presence, as well as the gradual handover of responsibility from AMISOM towards increased Somali ownership for its citizens’ security. We welcome that this strategic approach not only includes military and police activities but is equally focused on reconciliation, stabilization, strengthening governance, the rule of law, respect for human rights, protection of civilians, including women and girls and prevention and countering of violent extremism. We are deeply concerned of the deferral of the Mogadishu Stadium handover to Somali security Forces to February 2019.
19. We underscore the urgency of an inclusive and gender-responsive security sector and urge all security sector institution to expeditiously develop and launch their respective gender strategy as stipulated. In the security Pact.
20. We welcome the FGS’s efforts to engage with leaders of armed groups and disengaged fighters who openly choose the path of peace and commitment to long-term reconciliation to eradicate the drivers of radicalization. And urge the FGS to continue its support in interim care, rehabilitation, release and community reintegration of defectors. In this regard, we urge that particular attention be paid to children associated with armed conflict who should be treated primarily as victims and provided the necessary support and care to be able to reintegrate into society.
21. We commend the significant achievements by FGS and the FMS in recently reaching historical Fisheries Revenue Sharing, Petroleum, and Mining Agreements. We encourage the full implementation of these agreements, including the passing of necessary legislation and encourage transparent and accountable management of Somalia’s natural resources. These undertaking will enable Somalia’s economy to generate significant revenue.
22. We encourage the FGS and FMS to engage in the transparent and accountable management of Somalia’s natural resources for the benefit of all Somalis. We urge the Federal Government not to open up bid rounds and exploration licences before the National Oil Company & petroleum authority is established as stipulated by the Somali petroleum law of 2008.
23. We express our grave concern on violations of International Humanitarian Law, Humanitarian Principles, Human Rights Law and the protection of civilians, including women and young girls and boys throughout the territory and by all armed groups under their control. We deplore the basic human right violations by the FGS such as arrest and detention of politicians, extrajudicial killings of dissents, unlawful arrest and detention of innocent civilians. We comment on EU parliament resolution acknowledging on human right violations committed by the FGS as well as violations of freedom of expression, association and assembly.
CC: Somali Partner Forum Brussels 16-17 July 2018