Comprehensive approach to security key to stabilising Somalia- security meeting

A security meeting bringing together federal government, UN and Amisom chiefs and representatives from various countries Saturday called for strengthening of government capacity support to reinforce security components in stabilizing the country.
The meeting which aimed at assessing the Comprehensive Approach to Security component of the Security Pact signed during the London Conference in May said a holistic approach to addressing the country’s security challenges was key in winning the war against extremism and stabilizing the country.
“Maintaining security is not just about offensive action,” PM Hassan Khaire said. “We remain cognizant that we require a comprehensive approach that has been well articulated by our president, who is keen on engaging our population in good governance, fighting corruption, reconciliation and healing the wounds of the past.”
The Prime Minister called for unity of purpose ‘to undertake the only important task ahead us in the coming weeks and months-how to defeat Shabaab and bring about the peace and stability in Somalia.”
Head of UNSOM Michael Keating said ensuring the country does not slide back and securing the achievements registered so far was critical.
“The core issue before us is how we can continue to stabilize Somalia and preserve the many gains that have been made,” said Keating
“Protect political space so that Somalis can continue the difficult business of constructing the state, building peace and resolving a number of challenges they face whether on the socio-economic side, the political side, Constitution, creation of jobs, delivery of services.”
The Security Pact identified the CAS as key component to realizing sustainable peace and development in Somalia. Set on a ten year timeline but with focus on the next four years, CAS is hinged on three key strands notably political agreements and links between the Federal Government and Federal Members states which among others includes the agreement on the National Security Architecture, countering violent extremism and integration of the national army among other milestones.
The CAS is also pegged on security the 2020 elections and sustainable and reformed Somali Security Institutions financed by domestic revenues.
The Saturday meeting which comes amid heightened military offensives in the country also sought to bolster support for the operations which Amisom said last week will be sustained until the end of the year as it readies to cut its forces by 1000.
“Once we know the enemy, once we know our capabilities, we know what needs to be done. And once we know what needs to be done, we need resources. We need to sit down together and see how we mobilize these resources,” Amisom chief Fransciso Madeira said.