Conference on refugees due to open in Addis Ababa

Conference on refugees is due to open in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia on Wednesday. The aim of the conference is to get lasting solution for the challenges the refugees face, especially Somalis in most refugee camps.
The conference was organized by the United Nation’s high commissioner for refugees( UNHCR).
Many countries including Kenya, Djibouti, Uganda and Yemen that host thousands of refugees are also expected to participate in the conference.
Somalia is represented by the prime minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed and delegates who reached Addis Ababa on Tuesday evening.
The prime minister is accompanied by some of his ministers, foreign affairs minister Beilah and minister for interior and federalism Abdullahi Godah Bare.
Recently Conference on refugees planned to be held in Nairobi was delayed after Somali Federal government abandoned its participation in the conference. This has been confirmed in a letter from Somali foreign ministry sent to Nairobi based government.
This conference was planned to be a tripartite meeting, Somalia, Kenya and United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR).