Debate on Constitutional Affairs minister flops as House fails quorum threshold

MPs failed today to debate a motion seeking the removal of constitutional affairs minister Abdirahman Jibril Hosh after only 130 MPs turned up missing the 139 threshold for the quorum.
Lawmakers waited until in the hope more would turn up despite House business starting at
First Deputy Speaker Abdiweli Sheikh Mudey announced the postponement of the vote after it became clear most of the lawmakers were giving the House a wide berth even as it emerged late night lobbying could have killed prospects of vote.
The minister who is said to have traveled from Nairobi in the morning where he had gone to seek medical attention made his way to the House after MPs demanded he appear before them. He had requested to appear August 11.
The House had summoned the minister last week following his remarks on social media questioning the decision by the lawmakers to vote against a High Court decision which declared the election of eight MPs null calling for a repeat poll.
In his reaction, Jibril said the House did not have the mandate to overrule the court. “Somali parliament is out to lunch. Parliament cannot overturn the verdict of the highest court of the land,” the minister said in a tweet.