Denmark rescinds decision to return 1200 of Somalis to Somalia

Denmark has has rescinded the decision to send 1200 Somalis including 100 quota refugees and 1,100 Somali refugees living in Denmark, back to Somalia
UN refugee agency has earlier raised their concerns over the deportation program of the Danish government.
The Danish authorities said after they have evaluated the overall security situation in the Somali capital where they wanted to take the refugees, they decided to stop the deportation process.
The sentiment comes barely two days after the Danish immigration service, Udlændingestyrelsen, said it was investigating the possibility of sending about 1200 Somali quota refugees back to their home country.
A move criticised by Eva Singer, the head of the asylum and repatriation department at the Danish Refugee Council calling the notion unprecedented.
“I have not seen either in Denmark or other countries with similar schemes that they would after a few years begin to assess whether they can send them [the quota refugees] back to their homeland,” said Singer.
However, the UNHCR disagrees and discourages all UN member states to forcibly repatriate Somalis to the African country.