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 Deputy Prime Minister chairs high-level security meeting in Mogadishu

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: Federal Government of Somalia Prime Minister Salah Jama today chaired a high-level Cabinet Sub-Committee meeting attended by top security officials and the Mayor of Mogadishu.

The meeting was convened to discuss among other key issues the ongoing war against the Al-Shabaab militants and stabilizing areas which have been liberalized.

Also, the meeting discussed the push by Somalia to have an existing arms embargo lifted as a way of enabling the country effectively take over the responsibility of securing the country as the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) begins its planned drawdown this month.

Also noted was the need to check the proliferation of arms and the need to enhance security of key public facilities such as hotels and business places which have been targeted for attack by the Al-Shabaab militants.