Diabetes Association Officially Launch in Somalia
The launch coincided International Diabetes Federation first fact finding mission in Somalia whose members were present during the launching ceremony.
Somali International University (SIU) which is the vocal point of the program has sponsored the extension of program to Somalia.
Yahye Ali Ibrahim SIU rector praised the launch of the Association “This is a good example of how Somalia is forming again because yesterday we could not speak things like Diabets Association Establishments…. It’s defining moment for us, many other country have been enjoying the service of International Diabetes Federation and today they here to benefit for Somali diabetes society”
Dr. Beatrice who is the head of International Diabetes Association delegation to Somalia gave a presentation and explained more about the Diabetes Federation “ When I was coming to Somalia everyone was questioning my plan but I said this things are not new to me………….. We work to tackle down the spread of diabetes as well as advocating for diabetes patients and from now on Somalia is no exception”
Many Somali doctors and deputy health minister were among the dignataries present at the ceremony.
Things like the launch of such associations are a great deal Somalia and shows signs of recovery in a country ravaged by years of conflict.
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