Drought Crisis in Somalia: More coordination is needed to face upcoming humanitarian crises

ACT Alliance attending the Climate change conference parties (COP24) meeting in Katowice, Poland, to find practical solutions to the most pressing environmental crisis of our times, the effects of climate change are already taking their toll on the most vulnerable communities worldwide.
Act Alliance call that the drought in Somalia is a clear example that more needs to be done in terms of coordinated humanitarian response to prepare for the threats of global warming.
In 2016-2017 Somalia faced one of its hardest droughts in recent history. Four consecutive poor rainy seasons had pushed the country to the verge of famine with over half of the population in Somalia in need of assistance.
The favourable rainfall during 2018 has helped end the shortage of water; however, the adverse impacts of the severe drought persist, especially among shepherds who lost most of their animals and among people who were poverty-stricken and became displaced.
Act Alliance has also called the humanitarian emergency agencies to take their role in response to prevent potential risks of the upcoming droughts in Somalia
Act Alliance is a global organisation of more than 145 related organizations working together in over 120 countries to create positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalized people.