Egypt-Somalia agricultural deal to be implemented in Hiran

A delegation from Egypt led by the consular of Egypt to Somalia Ali Bashir Dhaha accompanied by Hiraan governor, Abdifatah Hassan Afrah has touched down at Baladwein airstrip, officials say.
The delegates reached Baladwein town to enhance the bilateral economic development agreements signed jointly by Somalia’s Minister of livestock and Egypt minister for Agriculture, according Hiraan governor.
“The plans of the delegates are to implement developmental projects such as construction hospital, schools which will be built by Al-Azhar University and agricultural projects” Abdifatah said.
According Egyptian Aid Agency, Egypt plans to deliver humanitarian aid to camps of Internal displaced people (IDP).
Somalia’s Agreement with Egypt
Somalia’s minister for livestock has signed bilateral economic development agreements with Egypt’s Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Salah Helal.
Helal’s remarks came during a cooperation protocol signing between Egypt and Somalia at the Ministry headquarter in the attendance of several heads of agricultural bodies as well as Somali Ambassador in Cairo.
Helal added that the two parties agreed to encourage public and private sectors in the two countries in the fields of meat, poultry, forestry, irrigation and other important logistics projects for the two sides.
On his part, Somali Minister of Livestock, Grazing and Forests Saeed Hussein Eid confirmed that the next phase will witness the activation of special relations, especially that Egypt is a pioneer in education area.
“We came to activate economic cooperation in agriculture, animal wealth, and fishery areas as well as start meat and livestock exchange with Egypt.” He continued.
“ We shall sign cooperation protocols tomorrow,” he occluded.
The first phase of the agreement will commence in Baladwein town of Hiraan region where delegates from Egypt visited to survey suitable and productive land of the region.
Egypt will buy 2500 livestock from Hiraan region before the upcoming Eidul-Adha festival.
In this region much of Somalia’s farming is concentrated because water from the Shabelle River provides irrigation even when the rains fail.