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End of The Road: High Court in Mogadishu Upholds ‘Death Verdict’ for Man Accused of Burning to Death Wife

Storyline:National News, Security

GOOBJOOG NEWS|MOGADISHU: The High Court in Mogadishu has dismissed an appeal filed by a man sentenced to death for burning to death his wife in a case that has attracted wide public attention and debate.

The Court Chaired by Chief Justice Bashe Yusuf ruled that Sayid Ali Macallin Daoud intentionally murdered his wife Luul Abdiasis Mohamed by setting her on fire in their home in Mudug region of central Somalia.

In dismissing Daoud’s appeal, the High Court upheld the rulling of the Banaadir Regional Appeals Court which ruled in favour of the prosecution on May 15 this year. A Lower Court had declared Daoud guilty of the offence and sentenced him to death.

The family of the deceased wife welcome the ruling terming in a victory for justice. “I am happy with the verdict of the court today, and I support it 100%, God willing, everything will be according to God,” said one of the relatives. He also added, “We wanted justice and finally we got it from the government, thank you.”

The ruling now seals Daoud’s fate as he now awaits the the firing squad.

The case against Daoud general extensive public attention and debate after the news that he had set his wife on fire came to the public lime light. He escaped after the incident but was arrested about a week later and airlifted to Mogadishu to face trial.

Among some of those who testified were his under age daughter who narrated the ordeal in a public hearing.

In his defence, Daoud claimed that he did not intend to kill his wife but only set the house on fire out of rage after he learnt that his wife was planning to get married to another man.