Ethiopian soldiers have got no rights to interfere Somalia’s affairs, says MP Jeesow

Parliamentary committee of Internal Affairs, Regional Administration and Security has condemned the arrested of traditional elders and some Gedo leaders.
Prominent traditional elders in Doolow and Gedo governor were put behind bars in the last few days by Ethiopian soldiers in Dollo town for allegedly opposing President Ahmed Mohamed Islam administration.
The deputy chairman of the committee, Dahir Amin Jeesow said that Ethiopian soldiers in Somalia have bypassed the role of AMISOM which was peace-keeping mission in Somalia.
“Ethiopian soldiers have got no permission to interfere the internal affairs somalia, they have no authority to detain our citizen. We will never believe that Mohamed Kaliil (former Gedo) was Al-Shabab sympathiser, we call upon Somali interior ministry to intervene the situation” said Amiin.
He underlined that it was not suitable to allow frontline countries such Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti to come the country to be peace-keeping mission forces as their personal interests are much more than peace-keeping.
“We never allowed frontline countries to be among the peace-keepers in Somalia, I personally was among the MPs who voted against their coming” he pointed out.
Meanwhile the order to arrest the politicians and elders was reportedly issued by Interim Jubba after the elders raised their voice against the recently constituted district and provincial administration in Doolow and Gedo region respectively.