the European Union and World Vision, in partnership with the Ministry of Labour, Youth and Sports, launched the “Nugal Empowerment
for Better Livelihood Project” aiming at improving the local economy in Puntland through training and business support.
With a total funding of 3 million EUR, the project will organize, over the 3 coming years, training and non-formal education programs, small
businesses support and community awareness around livelihood and human rights issues. Through training, mentoring and networking support, the
project – which is part of the Somali New Deal Compact – will enhance social cohesion and benefit approximately 24,000 Somalis of the most
marginalized groups in Dangorayo, Eyl, Godobjiran, Garowe, and Burtinle districts of the Nugal region in Puntland.
The EU Ambassador to Somalia, Michele Cervone d’Urso, said “_Skills development is vital for Somalia’s economy. The EU will continue to
invest in education and vocational training as these are the country’s greatest assets to stimulate growth and employment__”.