EU Condemns Prisoner Executions carried out by Somalia and Somaliland
The European Union on Wednesday condemned the execution of soldiers by Somalia and the breakaway Somaliland and unequivocally opposed the death penalty in any circumstances.
“We are deeply concerned by reports of at least 4 executions in Somaliland on 11 January and by the authorities renewed use of the death penalty. We are similarly concerned with reports of an execution in Mogadishu on 3 January” said a statement from The Heads of Mission of the European Union and Member States on Wednesday.
They called upon Somalia and Somaliland authorities to immediately halt the execution of death sentences as a first step towards adopting appropriate legislation, which they said aims at the abolition of the death penalty.
“The EU and Member States’ Heads of Missions call upon the respective authorities to halt executions and to apply a moratorium of the death penalty. We are committed to support and work with the respective authorities in achieving a full abolition of the death penalty and in the strengthening of institutions to provide justice to all Somali people in a fair and transparent manner” reads the statement.
This week, Somaliland authorities carried-out six death sentences at the Mandera maximum-security complex after a long de facto moratorium whereas Somalia executed secret intelligence agent who killed a civilian.