European Union to Support 8million EUR to Somali civil society
European Union jointly with Somali Federal planning and International cooperation ministry launched today in Mogadishu what was called 9 new projects in support of civil society and Human rights in Somalia.
The 8 million EUR is aimed to support civil society engagement in post conflict state and peace building efforts in Somalia. EU Ambassador and special envoy to Somalia Michele Cervone said EU has long standing relations and cooperation with Somalia civil society and other non-state actors in Somalia using variety of financing instrument and programs at its disposal ‘The EU invested over EUR 20 million in civil society, as the result, the EU was able to play a key role in supporting the establishment and consolidation of Somali civil society’ said the envoy.
Somali Federal planning and International cooperation ministry Abdirhman Aynte welcomed the support ‘Federal government welcomes EU support to strengthen civil society. We believe vibrant civil society contributes towards strong, peaceful and democratic Somalia’ said the minister
European Union is one of the biggest donors to Somalia.