Ex-minister for interior expresses hope that Baladwein reconciliation will be fruitful

Former Somali minister for interior and federal MP Abdullahi Godah Barre has expressed hoped that the ongoing Baladwein reconciliation conference will solve the internal conflict of the clans living Hiran region.
Goodah speaking to the public in Baldwein announced frankly that he will support the conference and it is outcome.
“The conference will bring changes to the future of Hiran region and the delegates attending the gathering are ready to make it fruitful”he said.
The ex-minister called people the region and the federal government of Somalia to support the meeting.
Speaking about the clans who did turn up the conference Godah said that the technical committee and the delegates are always ready to welcome their brotherly clans with open hands and encourage them to attend the conference.
The provincial headquarter of Hiraan region, Baladwein town is currently hosting a reconciliation conference held for clans of Hiraan region.