Federal MP Hosh Jibril: the country is in midst of constitutional crises and at the moment we do not have head of state.

Federal MP Hosh Jibril in an interview to Goobjoog said, the country is in midst of constitutional crisis. ‘The absence of the president and Parliament Speaker relegates the country to run without head of state’
Article 94 of Somali provisional constitution bestows speaker of Somali peoples’ House the power to be the acting president of the Federal republic in case of absence or inability by the president to run the office ‘If the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia is absent from the country, or unable to fulfil his duties due to illness or any other reason, the Speaker of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament shall assume these duties until such time as the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia resumes office’
‘Somali constitution only permits speaker of the house to assume the duties of the president. The deputy speaker does not have such constitutional rights to assume the presidency of the country’ says Jibril.
The MP accused the president what he called repeated constitutional breaches in last three years ‘for the last three years the president breached the constitution many time. He behaves as if he is an absolute monarch’ says Hosh Jibril.
Members of Somalia Parliament submitted motion against Somali Federal President Hassan Shiekh Mohmoud in number of times for last three years.