Federal MPs call Somali government to give immediate attention to drought situation in the country

Members of Federal parliament and politicians called Somali government and Humanitarian organization to give immediate attention the extreme water shortage and drought in many parts of the country.
MP Dahir Amin Jesow said the extreme shortage of water in regions like Hiran, Galgudud and other regions of the country requires immediate attention from Somali people, government and humanitarian groups ‘people in many parts of the country are experiencing water shortage and extreme heat, they need and expect help from Somali people, government and everyone who is ready to give help’ said the Mp
Politician Abdirhman Hussien Adow in his side asked Somali people to stand for helping their brothers who face very difficult drought ‘ we need to help each other at this difficult moment .large communities and nomads are facing one of the difficult droughts and water shortages in many regions of the country’
Many regions of the country face difficult drought. Parts of Shebelle River dried up for the first time in 35 years according to locals of Hiran and middle Shebelle regions.