Feisal Ali Warabe: Somali Government Is Draging Its Feet to Come to he Negotiating Table

Somaliland opposition party welcomed the agreement reached between Somalia and the breakaway state of Somaliland.
The chairman UCID party Feisal Ali Waraabe told the local media outlets that the concluded talks in Djibouti will bring the sides closer to one another and hoped it will
“ I call on the sides to implement the terms of the agreements previously reached in the recent talks” Mr. waraabe said.
Explaining the gaps that affected the talks, he blamed the federal government of Somalia and the its top leaders of dragging feet to come to the negotiating table and end the differences between the sides.
Somalia and Somaliland issued communiqué after two days talks held in Djibouti for the first, the talks attended president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and ahmed Mohamed Silayo was hosted by Djiboutian president Ismail Omar Gelle.
They agreed on many point including the continuation of talks in Turkey earlier 2015.